
Thought Leadership Articles

Our Thought Leadership articles offer you monthly insight on various industry topics, updates and trends.

Article Listing

Tax Provision Modifies Several Tax Return Due Dates

Recent legislation signed into law contains several important tax provisions for 2016. The most significant tax change is the provision that modifies the due dates for several common tax returns due in 2017 (for the 2016 tax year).…

Newly Released NFP Financial Reporting Changes

The Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) Nonprofit Advisory Committee has been working on a project for about four years that would improve NFP financial statements so they are easier to read and understand, as well as provide…


1956 Tax Tips from DB&B

In honor of our 60th Anniversary, Dermody, Burke & Brown is sharing a series of 1956 Tax Tips from the year we were founded.  

Building a Fraud Resistant Organization

Earlier in the year we shared a series of thought leadership emails related to fraud and its impact on the business community, particularly in the not-for-profit (NFP) area.  The Independent Sector, a NFP organization researching and…


How to Grow Your Construction Firm in Today’s Expanding Economy

It took a while, but the economy finally seems to be on solid footing six years after the financial crisis and Great Recession. Construction activity, including new home construction, is booming again in many parts of the country.

Keeping Your Stakeholders Loyal and Generous

In recent thought leadership emails we’ve talked about the importance of having as strong a fraud-resistant culture within your organization as possible.

Protecting Yourself and Your Donors From Fraud

Dedicated donors are often the financial heart and soul of a not-for-profit organization (NPO).  Without donors many NPOs would not be as successful or even exist.  That is just one of the many reasons why these organizations should be…

The Fraud Triangle, Red Flags and Skepticism

Most anyone who has attended a fraud seminar or read articles about fraud has also heard of the Fraud Triangle of opportunity, rationalization and pressure.  When opportunity, such as weak internal controls, combines with pressure, such as…


Workforce Development Institute (WDI) Funding

Interested in funding for your manufacturing company? 


NYS Nonprofit Revitalization Act Passage

As discussed earlier in 2013, NYS Attorney General Eric Schneiderman originally proposed the Nonprofit Revitalization Act, based on recommendations drafted by the 32-member Leadership Committee for Nonprofit Revitalization.  The bill…

OSHA-required Form 300A

On February 1st of each year, many employers with 10 or more employees with some exceptions must post the OSHA-required Form 300A, which summarizes an employer's OSHA recordable injuries and illnesses for the prior year.

Auditee Resource Center

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA) Governmental Audit Quality Center (GAQC) recently launched its free Auditee Resource Center to provide information, practice aids, tools and other resources (articles,…

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