

Retirement Planner
Retirement Income Calculator

401k Savings Calculator

Retirement Shortfall Calculator

CPA Website Tools powered by Service2Client LLC

Please note that all financial calculators require a JAVA enabled browser and require the JAVA installation to be up to date. Information and interactive calculators are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use. We can not and do not guarantee their accuracy or their applicability to your circumstances. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues.
Eployee Lising
Tina D’Agata

Tina D’Agata

Tina is a Senior Manager at Dermody, Burke & Brown in the Retirement Plan Design and Administration department.  As an employee at the Firm for over fifteen years, her seasoned experience in the Industry allows her to efficiently design, prepare and administer retirement plans for a variety of clients.  Tina personally meets with clients and staff to discuss employee benefit options and assists the CPA Firm with their audits of employee benefit plans.  Tina is proactive in her retirement planning approach and attends educational seminars to keep abreast of the many changes that occur within the industry.

Tina is a graduate of Hartwick College and a leading member of Dermody, Burke & Brown’s Young Professional Committee and Wellness Committee.  She is a board member and Finance Committee member of the Gingerbread House of Syracuse, a board member and Secretary of the Thousand Island Park Cottage Owners Association, Inc., a member of the United Way of CNY Young Leaders United, and is actively involved with the Blessed Sacrament School.  Tina is a 2016 graduate of the Nourishing Tomorrow’s Leaders Program, designed to increase the diversity of not-for-profit boards and leadership in the Central New York area.  She is also a 2016 40 Under Forty Honoree.

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